Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Photoshop Trial


 Before even starting I had to think of an idea for my surrealist picture. My picture is about winter and summer combining and merging to one. I thought about combining summer and winter because they are the two most opposite seasons. 

 First I opened an 8.5 x 11inch canvas in Photoshop CS4 so my picture would not turn out too small. Then I found a picture of a beach and set it as my base layer. After I made a new layer and added a picture of a snowman. I had to take the background out using the Lasso Tool and Polygonal Lasso Tool. Then used the same steps but put a picture of snowballs beside the snowman.  

 To make the snowman look more real, I used the Paintbrush Tool to colour the bottom of the snowman a yellow/beige to blend more with the sand on a different layer and made the opacity lower. At the end I changed the Brightness and Contrast to touch it up.

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